When news and advice is so readily available, you may question if there is any value in producing your own branded content. But it is precisely to cut through the noise that you need to develop high quality content that communicates the unique reasons your customers should choose you over a competitor.
Content is your point of difference, it gives your customers and prospects valuable information that is relevant to them, establishing you as a trusted supplier. All marketing activity and creative output starts with content and the effectiveness of your activity is completely reliant on the quality of your message.
Is content just words?
Storytelling is the most powerful way to share messages and ultimately compel your target audience to make a purchase or engage your services but it is a mistake to think that all content takes the form of lengthy prose.
We work with clients to create white papers, research reports, editorial articles and email campaigns, PR initiatives, videos and sales decks… the list is endless. In fact, once you know what you want to say, you want to share it in as many ways possible and repurpose across lots of platforms to get the message to stick.

Will it help me win new client contracts or make sales?
Ensuring your content is relevant and seen by your audience will support sales by:
• Drive your target audience to your website / to contact you
• Improve brand awareness and recognition, leading to recommendations
• Establish yourself as industry thought leaders and build trust
Where do I start?
By identifying a topic that is interesting and relevant to your target audience and that you can provide expert knowledge on. Once you have this, look at how you can communicate it to your audience and consider the most effective platforms to reach them. This will form your content strategy and show how best you can articulate on the subject. Once ready, launch.

Get in touch if you are looking for a content strategy or support to help grow your business.
caroline@westgatecomms.com | 01732 779 087