Web designA contemporary website promoting a range of CGAG marketing campaigns
The client
The Chewing Gum Action Group (CGAG), was set up in 2003 with the aim of achieving a long-term solution to irresponsible chewing gum disposal. CGAG is chaired by Defra and brings together representatives from the chewing gum industry, Keep Britain Tidy, Local Government Association, Chartered Institution of Wastes Management, the Food and Drink Federation (FDF), the Welsh Assembly Government and the Scottish Government.
Our approach
To create a contemporary and visually appealing website, that promotes the latest CGAG campaign to local authorities.
The solution
A stylish and modern website, that clearly and succinctly describes CGAG and the work that it does. The design enhances many aspects of the user experience including:
- Clear signposted sections for each page of the website
- Prominent call-to-actions, plus application forms to steer users to apply for the campaign
- A future-proof design that allows the campaign creative to take center stage.