Web designA web design refresh for ARU London
The client
ARU London is a faculty of Anglia Ruskin University, they offer a range of Undergraduate and Postgraduate degrees specialising in Business, Law and Healthcare. Located in the heart of central London they offer their students an unprecedented access to a host of potential employers and careers.
Our approach
Having successfully launched the previous iteration of ARUL’s website some five years ago, it was agreed a redesign was required, driven by the increasing use of mobile devices to access websites and the fact that the process of getting written content was overly time consuming.
The solution
It was suggested that the audience of undergraduates and postgraduates would be more receptive to small sections of readily-digestible copy, rather than the traditional prose style on the previous site.
Our designs for the overall structure and design of the new site focused on this approach, increasing the site’s responsiveness for all users no matter what device was being used to access it. In summary we have delivered:
- An updated, even more user-friendly version of our bespoke, open-source CMS platform, allowing huge flexibility to the client in maintaining and updating the site.
- Visually compelling calls to action to key user actions; find a course, book a visit, apply and download a prospectus.
- A clear, highly functional and user-friendly “mega menu” which allows users to very quickly access the exact information they need, with minimal clicks.
- A video feed featured on the homepage to take advantage of device capabilities and present greater, rich content.